


The beam of the little lighthouse (Children's book)

The Beam of the Little Lighthouse

Reading aloud, all ages; independent reading from age9


The lighthouse shines its bright light every evening to show ships the way in the dark night. Until one day, he notices that not everyone is happy with the light he spreads.


“Why have you stopped shining every day?” the old man asked. “It’s so dark in the village. We miss your light.”

The little lighthouse felt something flutter in his stomach because of the old man’s question and shyly let him in.


This is a story about having the courage to look at the things inside yourself that you’re afraid of visiting. It teaches you to discover that people who scare you, people you don’t like or who annoy you are actually an opportunity to learn something about yourself.

This is the first in a series of books about the power of feeling.

It can help you to increase your feeling power and to develop it further.

Feeling, and being able to deal with all your emotions, creates a magical life in which miracles exist.


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